Bahia San Francisquito

28 26.193n 112 51.695w

Thu Aug 18 2022

We left Santa Rosalia last night at 8pm to take advantage of SE winds and north-flowing tides. Sailing along about 3 knots. close haul. NW winds now. At least we are sailing! Been alternating between motoring and sailing. Winds shifted all around. Were wing and wing about 10pm. Fizzled out…. We hit 2 knots for a while, finally gave up. Rolled it up, motor on. Then by 3am wind direction changed again. Pulled out headsail and started sailing on a close reach. 7+ knots for a bit. Was great. Then the wind died. Motor back on. It’s really been fickle. Now the wind just picked up about 7kts and we’re back to sailing.

Yet another wind shift, slowly clocking towards 300, 319 now. There is actually a chill from this northerly. Probably not for long! Desert will warm up, then the air. Equals warm wind!

After a little more motor-sailing with both sails up, we pulled into San Francisquito in mid-afternoon. We discovered the bottom was rocky and had to pull and reset the anchor, but it’s holding now and we’re set for the night. This is a short stay; we’ll leave tomorrow morning.