Honeymoon Cove, Isla Danzante

25 48.555n 111 15.462w

Monday Aug 08, 2022

The day started with no wind at all and the water pure glass. A little wind picked up, but not enough to sail so we motored and motor-sailed our way north. We caught three fish! First one kept, second one a bonita that we threw back, and the third didn’t make it to the boat. Little stressful weaving our way around rocks, islands, and reefs. Charts can be off in Mexico, so you have to be careful. Add in current for quite a portion of the leg. Our third fish was caught during all this so he was on the line a little long, hence not making it to the boat.
We originally planned to go to an anchorage above Puerto Escondido but along the way decided Honeymoon Cove on Isla Danzante was a nicer option. We came into cove through a couple of reefs sticking out from each side. And depth goes up pretty rapidly. Once hit 50, it goes to 20 in about 100 feet. Better be stopped by the time you hit 30 or you’ll be aground before you know it. Because of shallowing depth, the water is really pretty. Only ones here when first arrived. Honeymoon Cove is actually made up of three little coves. We anchored in the middle one. About two hours after our arrival, two powerboats arrived and one of them was a noisy crowd with music and all that. But didn’t go on too late, which was nice. Glad we got here first because they both had to anchor behind us in 50 feet of water.
Swam my laps after dinner – up to 25. One lap is one time around the boat. Yesterday afternoon as soon as the anchor was set, I was in the water. Just a couple of minutes. Then came back on board, helped put away the main, then immediately back in the water. Then after about 10 minutes back on board I set up my “office.” I have sheets I string up in various places to make shade on the middle deck. I have my stuff up there, laptop. phone, books, notebooks, pens, etc. and I have a set place for my stuff, little spots I wedge and lay my stuff in between. Thalia’s beam is only 10 feet so cabin top areas has almost no flat area. Gotta make sure my stuff is secure or it’ll go flying off the deck and straight into the sea! I was a bit nervous at first about my stuff, but it’s way too pretty to be inside working. And I have a good place for my Starlink antenna.